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Lecture Series: Human – Life – Technology



Within the context of the lecture series ‘Human – Life – Technology’, we invite experts in loose succession three to four times per semester to present their current research in the field of philosophical anthropology, biophilosophy and natural philosophy, philosophy of technology, reflection on science and technology, or ethics. We discuss with our guests the philosophical challenges associated with the fields of tension body/soul, life/spirit, nature/culture, individuality/sociality, and necessity/freedom. In particular, we explore how our thoughts, feelings, and actions change in the modern technological world. And we inquire about the ethical norms that can do justice to the vulnerable, fragile, contingent, precarious, inaccessible nature of our human form of life.

The lecture series is targeted at students of philosophy as well as students, researchers, and citizens interested in philosophical and interdisciplinary problems.



    • 25 Apr. 2024  |  7 p.m.  |  Peterhofkeller
Hannah Arendt. The biography: Book presentation and talk with the author
Prof. Dr. Thomas Meyer (Munich)


    • 02 Nov. 2023  |  6 p.m.  |  Max-Kade Auditorium 1
Person, Thing, Robot
Prof. David J. Gunkel (Illinois)


    • 29 Jan. 2020  |  8:15 p.m.  |  HS 1098
Global Injustice and Individual Responsibility
PD Dr. Jan-Christoph Heilinger (Munich)


    • 11 July 2019  |  6 p.m.  |  HS n.n.  
Reality and Resistance: On the Significance of Sense of Touch 
PD Dr. phil. habil. Matthias Schloßberger (Berlin)


    • 26 Apr. 2019  |  6 p.m.  | HS 1221
Natural History Description of Man
Prof. Dr. Ralf Becker (Landau)


    • 25 Apr. 2019  |  6 p.m.  |  HS 1221 
Helmuth Plessner: Philosophical Anthropology. A Reading and Talk with the Editors
of the 1961 Summer Semester Göttingen Lecture
Julia Gruevska (Jena), Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Lessing (Bochum), and Dr. Kevin Liggieri (Zurich)